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contoh kalimat bingkai foto

"bingkai foto" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • I see you have an empty picture frame here.
    Kulihat ada bingkai foto kosong disini.
  • Nice things. A new mattress, coffee table... framed pictures of strangers.
    Sebuah kasur baru, meja kopi, bingkai foto orang asing.
  • Mm, a picture frame, a silver candlestick, an old lace doily.
    Mm, bingkai foto, perak lilin, sebuah alas renda tua.
  • I found this hidden in one of Danielle's picture frames.
    Aku menemukan ini tersembunyi di salah satu bingkai foto Danielle.
  • Frame this photo and hang it.
    Bingkai foto ini dan gantunglah.
  • Polaroid effects, photo frames and Polaroid shot collages
    Polaroid efek, kolase bingkai foto polaroid dan ditembak
  • Polaroid effects, photo frames and Polaroid shot collages
    efek polaroid, bingkai foto lan tembakan polaroid kolase
  • Photo Effects Photo Frames Photo Editor Photo Filters
    Foto Efek Bingkai Foto Photo Editor Photo Filter
  • Application Picture frame, window, door, decoration, clock, etc
    Aplikasi Bingkai foto, jendela, pintu, dekorasi, jam, dll
  • 1. Photo frame put in an EPE bag.
    1. Bingkai foto dimasukkan ke dalam tas EPE.
  • Humidity Cards, Desiccant Tablets, Photo Frame Lining Paper,
    kartu kelembaban, tablet pengering, kertas bingkai foto bingkai,
  • Humidity Cards, Desiccant Tablets, Photo Frame Lining Paper,
    kartu kelembaban, tablet desiccant, kertas bingkai bingkai foto,
  • L Cabinets,Mirror and picture frames,Decorative trim.Finish work,Molding.
    l Kabinet, Cermin dan bingkai foto, Dekorasi trim.Finish bekerja, Molding.
  • 3. Whole photo frame set in a color box.
    3. Seluruh bingkai foto diatur dalam kotak warna.
  • Racing Bike Stunts & Ramp Riding For PC
    Bingkai Foto Paytren – Edisi Kemerdekaan RI For PC
  • Books, Furniture, Calendar, Photo frame, Post card,etc.
    Buku, Mebel, Kalender, Bingkai foto, Kartu pos, dll.
  • 4. Furniture, table-tops, picture frames etc.home appliances.
    4. Furniture, meja-puncak, bingkai foto dll peralatan rumah.
  • Transparent Contemporary Photo Frames , Supermarket Acrylic Holder Display
    Bingkai Foto Kontemporer Transparan, Tampilan Pemegang Akrilik Supermarket
  • - Awesome pic frames in all colors and shapes!
    - Bingkai foto Awesome dalam semua warna dan bentuk!
  • Photo Frames Photo Editor Photo Filters Face In Hole
    Bingkai Foto Photo Editor Photo Filter Wajah Dalam Lubang
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